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The Barbadoes Parrot.
Numb. ' XI.
IT was as big as a large tame Pigeon. Its Bill was of
a Horn Colour, the Irides of the Eyes of a beautiful
Saffron Colour, the Pupil black, which it could contrail
and inlarge at pleafure; the Eye was incircled with a Skin of
a cinereous Colour 5 on the fore part of the Head it was
of a pale afh Colour, encompafled with a beautiful yellow,
which reaches round the fides of the Face, and under the
Throat. The top of the Head, Back, Breaft, and Belly,
of a lovely green, the Thighs yellow, as was alfo the upper
fcapular Feathers of the Wings 5 the firft three exterior
covert Feathers of the Wings are of a fine blew, the next
Row of Coverts red, the firft fix Quill-Feathers were o f a
dark purplifh blew; the Tail was compofed of twelve Feathers,
of a beautiful green Colour, its Legs feathered down
to the Feet, which were of a cinereous afh Colour, the
Talons black.
This Bird was as tame and good humoured, as he was
beautiful, iuffering his Miftrefs to play with him, as with
a Dog; healfb talked very prettily; he was brought from
Barbadoes by a Captain which traded to thtW e fl Indies.