. .'th e Red Pole.
Numb. L X X V . .
THE Red Pole is a very (mall, but an exceeding pretty
feathered Bird: the Head and Breaft of the Cock are
of a fine red: The Hen has a red Head likewife, but not
of fo bright a Colour; it is not a very fine Bird for finging,
but has a pretty chattering fort of Song ; it cannot be called
very melodious, yet they are often kept in Cages, and
eat the fame fort of Seeds as the Linnet or Chaffinches. We
are not fure that thefe Birds build in England’; they are
found here in Winter, but go away again in the Spring.
I never faw or heard of any of their Nefts being found ;
I rather, believe they come to ihun the Cold, as the Aberdevine,
Twite, and other Birds do; they are taken as they
catch other fmall Birds; Mr. Willoughby has not the Red-
Pole in his Colle&ion, defcribed by that Name, or any o-
ther that will exactly anfwer; but I believe it to be the
fame with what he calls the leffer Red-headed Linnet ; See
his Ornithology page 2,60. Sedi. 4.
Orc/t, ¿¿eazdwS&eiL JÙup.