The Mufcovy Drake and Duck.
Numb. X C V H . X C V I 1I.
THE Drake is of a middle Size, between a Goofe, and
a D uck; its Bill is fhort and broad, hooked at the
end; the upper Mandible hath a round tuberous piece
o f Fleih growing between the Noftrils, reprefentiag a fmall
red Cherrys it is red towards the end, the Hook black; the
Irides of the Eyes are white round; it is a red fleihy Sub-
ftance like that on the top of the Bill.
The top of the Head and Neck are duiky, motled with
white, the Back and Wings of an odd Mixture of Colours,
viz. dark brown, red, purple, green, and white; the Breaft
and Belly are white, with forrie few brown Feathers here
and there» the Legs and Feet orange Colour.
The Penis of this Bird is very large, being an Inch thick
and four or five Inches long, and red like Blood, they are
a very profitable Bird, if you feed them well, the Hen
laying a great many Eggs, and in a ihort time hatching a
great number of Ducklings; their Fleih hath a plealant
Tafte, different from that of the common Duck; the Hen
is of the fame Colours of the Cock, and fometimes white,
and has not that round Cherry-like Excrefcence on the upper