( 94 - )
The upright Duck.
Numb. C.
THE Bill was green with a browniih Caft, the Irides
of the Eyes white, the Top of the Head black} from
the upper Bale of the Bill a white Line lurrounds the top
o f the Head under the black, the reft of the Head is of a
dark Colour, intermixt with green and red, which according
to the Refledtion of the Light makes it look very Beautiful}
its Neck was variegated with black and white Feathers,
the Breaft and Belly white, the lides o f the Belly under
the Wings, the Thighs and Vent of a dark Colour
inclining to black} the Wing feathers brown, their exterior
Edges white.
The Back was dark with a Mixture of Rainbow Colours
as on the Head, the Legs and Feet of a duiky yellow} this
Bird carries itfelf more upright than any elfe of the Duck
Kind in its walking, and for that reafon they give it the
Name of the upright Duck. Thefe I had of Mr. Nefbet
z Gentleman curious in Fowls.
JZti'Wnivd&.Anzu ¿vrrxctud. C. ¿Tunc-at.*6