( M )
The Bengali Woodpecker.
Numb. X X I I .
THIS Bird is of the fame bignefs of our Englijh green
Woodpecker; the Bill is of a light aih Colour, blunt
at the End; the Tongue long, ending in a Horney
Subftance, as in the reft of this kind; the fore part of the
Head and Throat are motled with fmall dufky and white
Feathers; under die Eyes is a Tuft of white Feathers,
pointing backwards; it had a Creft of fear let Feathers,
hanging down behind the Head, the back part of the Neck
black; the Back and Wings are of a yellowifh green, the
fcapular part of them dark brown, with large white Spots;,
the four firft prime Feathers black, with fix Marks o f white
acrofs them, at equal diftances; the Throat and Breaft
white, with large long Spots of black,, the Belly white, the
Edges of the Feathers dufky, the Thighs and lower Belly
near the Vent white, without any Marks or Spots.
The Tail is made up o f ten black ftiff Feathers, bending
inwards; the Legs and Toes of a dark aih Colour,
the bottoms of the Feet redilh brown. It was brought
from Bengali in the Year 1737, and is now in the PofTef-
fion of Mr. Dandridge.