The Cockatoo, or TVhite Crefled Parrot.
Numb. X I I .
IT was about the bignefs of a large tame Pigeon, its Bill
black, the Irides of the Eye red, the Pupil black, the
Skin round the Eye aih Colour; the whole Body, Wings,
and Tail was white, with a Tincture of yellow: It had a
Creft of Feathers on its Head, which it would fet up when
it was difpleafed; its Legs and Feet were of a greeniih aih
Colour, the Talons black.
It was a pretty tame and familiar Bird, would come on
the Hand, and fuffer himfelf to be handled, repeating the
Word Cockatoo feveral times, which was all the Words he
could pronounce.
I law this Bird at Mr. Bland’s at the Tiger on Tower H illy
where I drew the Pidlure.
Mr. Nathaniel Oldham had one of thefe Birds, as large
as one of the Maccaws, all white excepting the under part
o f his Creft, which was o f a fine fcarlet Colour, and when
he fet it up, made him look very beautiful.