The Mountain Sparrow.
Numb. L X V I .
TH IS Bird was of the bignefs of the common Houfe
Sparrow, but longer bodyed; the Bill of a dark afh
Colour, the Pupil of the Eye black, the Irides white; the
top of the Head, fide of the Face and Throat, of a brown
Colour, motled with black and white; a broad white Line
comes from the under Chap bending downwards like a
Whiiker; alfo a duiky white Line encompaffes the back
part of the Head; the Back is of a dark reddiih brown,
ftriped with black, the Wings more red, and not ftriped;
the exterior Edges of the covert Feathers white; the Tail
was made up of twelve dark coloured Feathers, fpotted with
roundSpotsof white: The Legs andFeet are of a pale reddiih
Colour, the Claws black.
This Bird delights in mountainous woody Places, not
frequented. It was ihot by a Gentleman in the Country\
and fent in a Letter to me by the Name of the Mountain