Numb. L .
T H IS Bird is of the bigneis of the Buntings in Vol.
the fecond Numb. 50. Its weight is about an Ounce
and a half 5 the length from the Tip of the Bill to the end
o f the Tail feven Inches long; Breadth, when the Wings
were extended, eleven Inches and a half; the Bill is great
and thick of a fleihy Colour, having a hard Knob or Prominence
in the upper Mandible, wherewith it is thought to
bruife Wheat, Oats, or other Grain.
The Head, Neck and upper part of the Breaft is of a
pale greeniih yellow, the Back and Wings of a reddiih
Tin£ture and brown Shade; the under part of the Breaft
and Thighs whitiih, with traniVerie Lines and Shades of
pale red; the under fide of the Tail yellow; the Legs and
Feet o f a pale ferruginous Colour. This Bird I had out
of. the Colle&ion o f Sir Thomas Lowther.
Thefe Birds are accounted a great Rarity in Banquets,
and bear a high Price in France and other Countries.