The Hen Maccaiso.
Numb. X .
IT S length from the tip of its Beak, to the end of its
Tail, was thirty Inches: The Body equals that of a
well fed Capon: The Beak hooked, making an exa£t Semicircle,
the top of the Head, upper fide of the Neck,
the Back and Wings, and upper fide of the Tail, of a very
pleaiant blew or azure Colour; the Throat, Breaft,
Belly, Thighs, Rump, and under fide of the Tail, of a
lovely yellow. The Tail was about eighteen Inches long.
The Legs are very ihort arid thick, of an aih Colour, as are
alio the Feet, armed with great, crooked, black Talons j
it differs from the Cock, which is of a beautiful fcarletand
blew Colours. See the Cock, Nol. the fecond Numb. 1 7.
Thefe Maccaws are the largeft of all the Parrot kind,
arid bear a good Price, being commonly fold for ten Guineas.
This Bird feems to be the fame with that Aldrovandus
calls the greateft blew and yellow Maccaw, and likewife the
Maccaw called Ararauna by the Brafilians deicribed by
Margravius. ' 3