The Fig-eater.
Numb. X X V I .
TH IS is a fmall long bodied Bird, its Bill ilender,. and of a
dark reddiih Colour; the top of the Head, Back and
Tail of a duiky red, cinereous and yellow Mixture; it hath
the fame number of Wing and Tail Feathers as in other
fmall.Birds; the Quill and Coverts more dark than the reft;
their exterior Edges white, on the Throat is a large Spot
of white, the Breaft yellow, fpotted with black; the under
part of the Belly and Thighs white, the Legs of a pale reddiih
Colour. This Bird I had out of the Collection of
Sir Thomas I/mother. . . .
Mr. Willoughby in his Ornithology makes fix or feven
Kinds of this Bird. See Chap. V page 216.