The yellow Bird\ from Bengali.
Numb. X X .
Th i s Bird was about the bigneis of a Fieldfare ; its
Bill an Inch and a quartet long, ftrong and ending
in a ihort Point, of a pale red Colour; die Pupil of the Eye
black, the Irides white, a broad black Line encompaffing
the Eye, and ending in a Point on the fide of the Head;
the top of the Head, Breaft, Belly and Thighs were of a
moft beautiful yellow Colour, as were alfo the two outer
Feathers on each fide the Tail; the eight middle Feathers
The fcapular and Quill-Feathers black, their exterior
Edges white, excepting the three firft Feathers, of the firft
and fecond Row of Coverts, which are yellow.
The Legs and Feet were of an alh Colour. A drawing
from the Life of this curious Bird was brought from Bengali
to Mr. Dandridge, who was pleafed to let me make a drawing
from it.
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