The red Peruvian Hen.
Numb. X L .
THIS Bird is of the Bignefs and Shape of the Carafow
Hen; its Bill, fides of its Face and upper part of its
Neck were of a dark afh Colour; the Pupil of the Eyes
blafbk, the Irides red; round the top of the Head was a
Creft o f white Feathers with black Tips; the lower part of
the Neck and the whole Body were red, the Legs and Feet
are black. This Name is impofed on it for want of knowing
its real Name: It was kept at Richmond Palace, when
Her late Majefty was Princefs of Wales^ amongft her Collection
of Rarities of this kind; I drew it from the Bird,
but could not meet with any one that could give me a particular
account of it, excepting in the Colour; it is pretty
much like the Carafow Hen, and feems to be of the fame
Species with that Fowl: The difagreement that is between
them in the Colours may be perhaps owing from the different
Places they are brought from, or fuch difference as is
eommon amongft tame Fowls.