(< n
th e black Wm£d Horn'd Owl.
Nynib, VI*
IT was twice as big as the leffer Horn Owl} its Bill black,
the Irides of the Eyes of a fhining Orange Colour} the
Head, brown variegated with long Marks of black} the
Horns not fo large as in the others of this kind} the Rings
or Hoods that encompafs the Face, dark brown, mixed
with fome white Hair here and there, the Back and Wings
almoft black} the Breaft, Belly, and Thighs of a duflty
yellow with long hfarks of brown and white. 1 he J ig
was made up of twelve dulky yellow Feathers, having
twelve Crofs Bars on each, fet at equal diftances from each
The Legs were feathered down to the Feet which were
of a reddiih yellow} the Talons long, crooked and black;
they are found near Bologna and other Places in Italy. The
Situation of the Toes agrees with thofe of the great Horn.
Owl, having three before and one. behind. This Bird I
had out of die Collection of Sir Thomas Lowther.