Mr. Oldham's Reve,
Numb. L X X X IX .
TH E Bill was long, ftreight, and o f a dark afh Colour,
almoft black ; ibme fmall white Feathers from the Bill
encompafs the Eyes; the Head, Neck and Back
were of a duiky brown j; the Scapular and covert Feathers
of the Wings light brown, and full of fmall white Specks;
the Quill-Feathers dark brown, the Breaft, and Belly
white, lightly tinged with yellow; the Tail was made up
of twelve fhort white Feathers motled with black; the Legs
and Feet are black, and bare above Knee. •
This Bird was ihot by Nathaniel Oldham Eiquire, as it
was flying over his Gardens at Elina, near Brantford in
Middlefex. I am inclined to believe it to be a Species of
the Reve Kind, but very differing in the Colours of the
Feathers and Legs.