‘The D ia l B ird or Bengali Magpie.
Numb. X V I I . X V I I I .
T HIS Bird was a Cock, it was about thebignefsof the
SongThruih; theBillblack,theEdgestowardstheAri-
gle yellow, the Irides of the Eyes yellow, the Head,
Back, and Breaft black, with a caft of blew; the Belly and
Thighs white, as was alfo the under fide of the Tail 5 the
fcapular and firft fix Quill-Feathers black; the firft row of
Coverts* and the upper Quill-Feathers white, the Legs and
Feet brown.
The Bill of the Hen was of a dark Colour, inclining to
black, the Irides of the Eyes yellow; the Head, Neck,
Back, and Breaft, ofaduiky Colour; the Belly, and Thighs
white, the firft fix Feathers of the Coverts and Quills was
black, the reft of the Wing white. The Tail was com-
-pofed of twelve Feathers of equal length, the upper fide of
a dufky Colour, the under fide white, the Legs and Feet
brown. Thefe Birds were brought from Bengali\ in the
Year 1734, and are called by the Natives the D ia l Bird.
It is now in the PofTeffion of Mr. Dandridge, who was
pleafed to let me draw it.