The large Kingfijher from Bengali.
Numb. X X V I I I ;
TH IS Bird was as large as our Thrtijh; its Bill was three
Inches long, of a fcarlet Colour, very thick at the
Bafe, and ending in a iharp Point; the Irides of the
Eyes of a lovely yellow; the Head; and upper fide of the
Neck, and upper part of the Back brown; the Throat,
Breaft and part of the Belly white, on each fide of which it had
five large Spots of brown; the lower part of the Back,
Wings and Tail of a beautiful light blewiih green, excepting
the Coverts of the Wings, Which were brown; the
lower Belly and Thighs brown.
The Legs werefhort, and the Toes long, both o f an! orange
Colour. It was brought from Bengali itf the Year 1.734,
and is now in the Poffeflion of Mr. Danclridge^ who waS
pleafed to lend it me to draw the Picture,