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Bantam Cock,
Numb. X X X I I I .
r I "H IS little Cock was all Life and Courage, fighting any Cock that
. he could come at, although as big again as himfelf, alfo Dogs,
Cats, or any other thing which came in his way; his Bill was reddifh-
the Irides o f the Eyes red; on his Grown.a fine rofe Comb, a Tuft of
white Feathers covered his Ears; his Neck and Back were clothed with
long haccle" Feathers, o f a yellow and orange Colour intermixt; his
Breaft, Belly and Thighs black; from the Thighs grew long ftiff Feathers
reaching beyond his Knees two Inches, which they call Boots; his
Legs were alfo feathered down to his Toes; the Tail w;as made up of
twelve ftiff black Feathers, two large Sickle Feathers, and feveral fmall
flender ones. incumbent on it. The original Breed o f thefe Fowls are
brought from Bantam in India.
The Bantam Hen.
Numb. X X X IV .
I *H E Y are o f divers Colours, but I took this for one o f the moft
beautiful ones; her Bill was o f a yellowifh horn Colour; .ihe had
a fmall red Comb; the fide of her Face round about her Eyes was red,
and void of Feathers; her Ears were covered with a Tuft o f brown;; bn
the Top of her Head were fome fmall white Feathers; her Body, Wings
and Tail yellow, motled very thick all over with Marks and Spots of
dark Colour; ihe was booted and feathered down to her Toes, as all
o f the true Bantam kind are.