The White Woodcock.
Numb. L X X X V .
IT S Bill was o f a yellowiih Colour, the Head, Throat,
Breaft, Belly and Thighs were white, the Hind part
of the Neck, and fide of the Breaft had a few dark Feathers
fcattered here and there; the upper fcapular Feathers
are of a reddiih brown, the reft o f the fcapular Feathers
white, with red Edges; the covert and Quill-Feathers are
white with a Caft of red, the Tail white, the Rump juft
above the Tail red; the Legs and Feet are yellow. I was
ordered by Sir Robert jlbdy to draw this Bird; it was fhot
by Ofay Macdowel Efquire, and is preferved in a fine gfafs
Cafe'at the Southampton Coffee-Houfe in Chancery Lane.