( 53 )
The Mountain Titts.
Numb. L V I I .
THESE Birds, are of the bignefs of th& blew Head
Titmoufe; The Bill of the Cock was yellow, the Iri-
des of the Eyes white; a long Stripe enclofed the Eye, and
ended in a Point towards the Neck, the Head was blewiih,
the upper part of the Neck, Breaft and Belly yellowiih;
the Back, and fcapular Feathers of the Wings of a yellowiih
brown: The quill and covert Feathers of a blewiih aih
The Tail was made up of twelve Feathers, their Middles
brown, the exterior Edges of a blewiih aih Colour;
the Legs and Feet blew.
The Bill of the Hen was blew, the Head, Back, Wings
and Tail were of a light brown Colour; the Throat white,
the Breaft, Belly and Thighs of a pale yellowiih buff Colour;
the Legs and Feet cinereous. Thefe Birds are found
in fome Parts of Germany and Italy. I drew them out of
the Collection of Sir Thomas Lowther.