The Contra, from Bengali.
Num b / XXI*
TH IS Bird is about the bignefs of a Fieldfare, its Bill
of a pale orange Colour ; from the bafe of the upper
Mandible goes a broad white Mark which furrounds
the Eye on each fide; it has a tuft of white Feathers under
the Eyes; thetop of the Head and Throat are black; a Ring
of a dirty white encompafles the back fide of the Neck; a
Line of white from each Eye encompafles the hind part o f
the Head, almoft touching the Ring on the Neck; the Back,
Wings and Tail are black, excepting fix long Marks of white
on the Covertsofthe Wings; the Breaft, Belly, and Thighs are
white, the Legs and Feet of a yellowiih brown. It was
brought from Bengali in the Year 1734, and is now in the
Pofleffion of Mr. F)andridger who gave me leave to draw it.