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The fm all Kingfijher from Bengali.
iiumb. X X IX .
TH IS Bird is of the bigneis of our Kingfijher, in Vol.
the firft Numb. 54; its Bill of a fear let Colour; on
the Forehead adjoining to the Bill was a Spot of yellow,
and under the Throat a large Spot of white, a broad black
Line from the Bill intervening, and encompaffing the Eyes.
The top of the Head was of a dirty red, under that a
Line of dark blew, feparated from the Back by a broad
Stripe of white; the Back was of a dark blew, the Wings
of a dark ferrugineous Colour, the Rump and upper fide of
the Tail red; the under fide of the Neck, the Breaft, Belly,"
and- Thighs, and under fide of the Tail, were of a
beautiful yellow Colour; the Legs and Feet fcarlet. This
Bird was lent from BengalJ and is now in the Pofleffion of
Mr. TTandridge, who was pleafed to let me draw it.