The Vulture.
Numb. I.
T HIS Bird is Us large as an Eagle, its Bill is black and
crooked at the End, after the manner of all the Vulture
Kind. Its Eyes large, the Pupil black, the Irides of
a yellowiih flame Colour. Its Head arid Neck bald, having
a foft hairy Down inftead of Feathers j at the lower
part of its Neck is a round RufF of Feathers very narrow
and long, of a yellowiih dun Colour. The whole Bird,
excepting the Quill Feathers of the Wings and Tail, is of
the fame Colour. It was feathered down to its Feet, which
were of an Aih Colour; the Talons black.
It is a fierce bold Bird, and will ftrike at any thing that
comes near him : I law him at ’Totteriham-Court Fair, where
he was brought to be {hewn; the Man who had it called it
the Eagle o f the Sun.
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