The Oft rich.
N.umb. X X X I .
IT is the greateft o f all Birds, the Head is fmall, depreffed or fiat-
crown’d, like a Goofe s; the Bill alfo is compreffed, and compared
with the Body, very fmall, of a triangular Figure, and Horn Colour,
the End being blackiih; the flit of the Mouth is large, reaching fo far
that its Angles lie dire&ly under the Eyes. The Eyes are great with
Hazel-Coloured Irides. The Head and Neck, and almoft as far as the
Breaft, are bare of Feathers, as alfo the Thighs, the Head and Neck
are covered with a certain Down, or thin fet Hairs inftead o f Feathers;'
the fides under the Wings, and the Thighs are abfolutely bare, and of
a Fkfti Colour; the Wings are fmall, and unufeful for flying, defigned
by Nature, only to aflift the running, being fpread and moved;
the Feathers in the Back of the Cock are black, in the Hen dusky, with
light brown Edges, the large Quill-Feathers of the Wings and Tail are
purely, white, the latter is thick, buihy and round, and not to be fpread.
as in other Birds, and are in great Requeft with Soldiers for their Hats;
its Neck and Legs are very long; it hath but two Toes, wanting the
Rack-toe and inmoft Fore-toe, the outer was five Inches and a half long,
the other eight, armed with a ftrong Claw; the Toes, are conneded
with a thick ftrong Membrane, as far as the firft Joint.
It fwallows Iron, Leather, Grafs, Bread, Hair, and whatever elfe
you offer it promifcuoufty: Howbeit it doth not concod Iron or other
hard things, but voids them intire by Stool. Thefe Birds are bred in
the Defarts of Arabia, and in Africa, and fometimes arefeen in great
Companies; they lay very large Eggs, which they bury in the Sand;
they are hatched by the heat of the Sun, the old ones taking no farther
care o f them.
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