The Gamboa Groafbeak.
Numb. L X I I .
THIS Bird was about the bignefs of the common Grof-
beak, defcribedin Vol. the fir fl Numb. 56. - Its Bill is
very large and ftrong, from a broad Bafe ending in
a iharp Point of the Figure of a Cone having a large Cavity
within, of a dark aih Colour, the Pupil of the Eyes
black, the Irides white, the Head and part of the Neck
black, ending in a iharp Point on the fore part of the Breaft.
The reft of the Body, Wings and T ail are of a beautiful
yellow Colour, intermixed with a greeniih Shade j the Legs
and Feet of a blewiih aih Colour. This Bird was brought
from Gamboa on the Coaft of Guinea, and was in the Pof-
feffion of his Grace the Duke of Chandos in an Aviary at
his Grace’s Country Seat at Edgeworth, where I went to
draw it.