The Turtle Dove from India.
■Numb. X L V .
T HE Hen, excepting the Feet which are red, and the
Bill which is black, as in the Cock, is all over white:
But the Cock hath his Head, Neck Breaft and Wings,
as far as the Quill-Feathers, and Back down to the Rump
of a reddifh or dun Colour: The Quill-Feathers of the
Wings and the Rump and whole Tail are of aduiky Colour,
haying their Shafts black and Edges white; the Breaft,
Belly and Thighs are white, the lower part of the Belly,
near the Vent, yellowiih; the Irides of the Eyes are of a
moft lovely Ihining Saffron or rather fear let Colour; a black
Ring encompafles the back part of the Neck, ending in a
Point on each fide; they are tame pretty Birds, and kept
in Cages by the Curious, in which they will breed and bring
up their young; they feed on Hemp Seed, Millet, & c . but
delight moft in feeding on Wheat.