The Aberduvine.
Numb. L X X V I .
IN Size and Colour it is pretty much like the Canary
Bird\ only the Cock has a black Spot upon his Head,
and a little black under his Throat: The Hen is more upon
the grey and has a fpotted Breaft and Belly ; they are lively
merry Birds, and ling very prettily, and are frequently
kept in Cages.
Thefe Birds do not breed any where in England that e-
ver I heard of, but ihift Places according to the Seafons of
the Year j they vifit our Parts in the Winter-time, and
leave us in the Spring ; they frequent the Alder Trees, Çspc.
By the River fide: The Bird Catchers take them as they
do Linnets, Goldfinches, c. And feed them like thoiè;
Birds. It is of a very mild Nature, and not at all crafty,
fo that it is eafily taken by any kind of Engine or Deceit.
Mr. Willoughby calls it Sifkin; it is, fays he, kept in
Cages for its finging, and is common in Germany and England.
A t Vienna in Auftria they call it Seifef a Name
not much different from our Englifh Sifkin in Suffix ; it is;
known by the Name of the Barley-birdy ib called becaufe
it comes to them in Barley Seed-time.