¿¡¿eaKar'^/fSpn. Ede7. EE™iJyi- 2S J735-
The Madagalcar Duck.
Numb. X Q X .
IT is fbmething larger than die tame Duck, the Bill of
a yeUowilh brown, the Irides of the Eyes of a line red,
the Head and Neck of a duiky green, die Back a dark
purple with a Mixture of blew, the Edges of die Feathers
red, the Breaft a dulky brown, the exterior Edges of each
Feather red, the lower Belly brown, the icapular Feathers
green, fome edged with red; the upper Scapulars dulky
with a Mixture of blew, as was allb the firft Row o f Co--
verts, and all the Quills their Edges red; thefecond Row
of Coverts green, the Legs and Feet orange Colour; this;
Bird was of lb lhining a beautiful Colour, as cannot rightly
be exprelied in Words: The Breed came firftr from
Madagascar in Eaft India, and was in the Poffeflkm of a
Merchant at Ponders End near Enfield, who was lb good
as to let me have fome of the Breed to oblige fome Gem
tlernen that had a mind to them.