A /rtrm (jAmicl>. ¿¡¿¿¿tzav .A ///ù i (H & l.'A idy 2/.
The China Dave.
Numb. X L V I .
THIS Dove was about the bignefs of the Indian Turtle
Dave ; its Bill of a blewilh aih Colour; thé Indes of
the Eyes of a beautiful white; the top of the Head
and round the Eyes aih Colour ; the fides of the Head yellow;
the ends of the Feathers red on the fide of the Neck;
above the Scapular of the Wing was abroad Stripe of blew
Feathers, the hind part of the Neck and Back brown, the
ends of the Feathers black, the fcapular Feathers more dilute,
andtheirendsvariegated with black and white: The firfl
and laft Feathers in the Row of Coverts black, their exterior
Edges white, the middle Feathers all white, the Quill-
Feathers black, their Edges white; the Breaft and Belly of
a beautiful pale rofe Colour; the Tail was made up of twelve
Feathers of a light dusky Colour; the Legs and Feet red,
the Claws white.
This beautiful Bird I faw at the late Mr. Richard/ods A -
pothecary in Alderfgate Street, who was pleafed to let me
draw it.