The Angola Paroqueet.
Numb. IX III.
THIS beautiful Bird was a fmall matter bigger than a
Turtle Dove, its Bill is of a greeniih afh Colour, its
Head, Back, Breaft, Belly, and fcapular Feathers o f the
Wings, were of a beautiful Gold yellow, with Shades o f
bright fcarlet.
The covert Feathers of the Wings green, except the two
outermoft in the iecond Row of Coverts, which was blew,
as was alfo the Quill-Feathers, The Tail long and forked,
of a yellowiih green Colour, the Legs, and Feet of a red
ferrugineous Colour.
This Bird was brought from Angola, on the Coaft of
Guinea, and was in the Pofleffion of a Gentleman near the
Cuftom-Houfe, who was pleafed to let me draw its Pi&ure.
Thefe Paroqueets are likewife brought from the Eaft-In-
dies, and are found chiefly in the midland Countries} they
rooft and build on the higheft Trees} they fly in Companies,
and with great Noife, asdoth the whole T ribeof Parrots}
they will learn to pronounce fome words, if they are kept
tame. 3