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The Cock Ringtail or Henharrier.
3 ' ' A ‘
, Numb. III.
IT S Weight was eighteen Ounces, the Length from the
Tip of the Beak to the End of the Train twenty two
Inches, Breadth three Foot feven Inches, the Leg five Inches,
being longer than in other Hawks; a yellow Skin
covers the upper Chap reaching from the Root of the Beak
beyond the Noftrils, the reft o f the Beak is black, hooked
and prominent, the lower Mandible ftreight.
The Pupil of the Eye black, the Irides yellow; it hath
feveral white Feathers about the Eyes; the top of the Head
and Back is of a dark ferrugineous Colour; it hath a Ring
of yellow Feathers round the Neck.
The Wings are of a dark reddiih brcjwn, all the exterior
Edges of the Feathers white, the Breaft and Belly of a
reddiih yellow, the lower part of the Belly and Thighs
more dilute.
The Rump is white, with two peculiar Spots of yellow,
like the Shape of a Diamond, on a Cardy the Train is: ten
Inches long, made up of twelve Feathers of the lame Colour
of the Breaft, excepting the two middlemoft, which
are of a dark ferrugineous Colour, with five dark Bars acrofs
the Train fet at equal diftances.
The Legs and Feet are yellow, the Talons black; this
Bird was fent me by my Honoured Friend Sir Robert Abdy
out of EJJex. See the Hen, Vol. the fecond Numb. 5.