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The Stock Dove.
Numb. X L IV .
IT is as big as the common Pigeon, it weighed fourteen Ounces and
a half; its length was fourteen Inches, breadth, when the Wings
were extended, twenty fix. The Colour and Shape of the Body
almoft like the common Pigeon; the Bill flender and of equal length,
and of a pale red Colour. The Top of the Head is cinereous, the Neck
covered with changeable Feathers, which, as they are varioufly objected
to the Light, appear of a purple, blew, and ihining green; no Silk like
them. The fore part of the Breaft, the Shoulders and Wings are daihed
with purplifh or red-wine Colour, whence it took the Name (Oenas);
the Wings, Shoulders, and middle of the Back are of a dark aih Colour,
the reft of the Back to the Tail of a paler; all the Quill-Feathers (except
the four or five outmoft, which are all over black, with light Edges)
have their lower part cinereous, and their upper black, the Tail is
five Inches long, made up o f twelve Feathers, having their upper part
cinereous, their lower, for one third of their length, black, the nether
fide of the Body, excepting the upper part of the Breaft, is all cinereous;
the Wings clofed, reach not to the end of the Tail; in both Wings on
the upper Row of Coverts are two black Spots on the outfide the Shafts,
and not far from the tips of the Feathers; the Legs and Feet are red,
the Claws black, the blind Guts very ihort. It had no Gall Bladder:
It had ,a large Craw full of Gromil Seeds, & c. and a mufculous Stomach,
long Tefticles, and a long Breaft-bone.
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