( 4 7 )
The black Lark.
Numb. L I .
T H E Bill of this Bird was of a duiky yellow; the Iri-
des of the Eyes yellowiih: It was all over of a dark
reddiih brown, inclining to black, excepting the hind
part of the Head, on which was fome duiky yellowiih Feathers
5 likewife fome Feathers with whitifh Edges on the
The Legs, Feet, and Claws were of a dirty yellow..
This Lark was taken with a Clap Net by one of the Bird-
catchers in a Field near Highgate, and brought to me by
Mr. Davenport, which I have taken care to draw exactly
from the Bird, neither adding nor diminiihing in the Draught
or Colouring. This being a Curiofity, I was defired by
one of my Subfcrihers to make a Plate of it.