A Paroqueet from Bengali.
Numb. X IV .
THIS Bird is o f the bigneis of the lefler fized Parrots,
the upper Mandible is of a buff Colour, the under of
a blackifh, the back part of the Head of a pale
red, with a Shade of purple, the Throat black, with a
fmall Ring of the fame round its Neck; the Breaft, Belly,
and Thighs of a pale yellowiih green ; the Back and Wings
of a fine grais green; the Tail was compofed of four Feathers,
the two middlemoft the Ibngeft; their upper fiHes of
a grafs green, the under fides of a pale yellow; the Legs of
a light cinereous afh Colour. This Bird I had of Mr. Dan-
dri dge: It was brought to him from Bengali\ in the Year
3 737, and is called by the Natives Fridatutah.