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The great Sea Toon from Newfoundland.
Numb. X C IÎI.
THE length from the tip of the Bill to the end of the
Tail is thirty five Inches, to the end of the Claws
forty four ; breadth, when the Wings are extended,
four Foot five Inches; the Bill was five Inches long, black
ending in a iharp white Point; thé Head and upper part
o f the Neck are of a duiky brown. It had a white Spot
under its Bill, and a Ring of white about its Neck, the
lower part of the Neck green: The Back and covert Feathers
of the Wings are black fpotted with irregular Spots
o f white; the prime Feathers of the Wings are black, their
exterior Edges white; the Breaft and Belly are white, the
Legs of a brown Colour nine Inches long; the outward
Toe, which was the longeft, was five Inches long: It was
Web-footed like a Goofe ; it feeds altogether on Fiih.
It was brought from Newfoundland\ and prefented to
the Right Honourable the fjord Hay, who was pleafed to
lend it me, to draw its Pi£ture.
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