The Bengali Bee-Eater.
Numb.' X X X . -
IT is almoft as big as the Song Thrujh; its length from
the tip of the Bill to the end of the Tail is twelve Inches;
Breadth, when the Wings are expanded, eighteen
Inches; its Bill is black, thick at theBafe, bending downwards,
from the tip to the Angles of the Mouth almoft two
Inches long; the Irides of the Eyes of a beautiful red;
from the Corners of the Mouth, through the Eyes on each
fide is extended a black Stroke; from the Bale o f the upper
Chap over the Eye, and under the Chin are bright, but
pale blew Feathers; the top and back part of the Head is
of a dulky yellow; the Back and Wings of a yellowifh
green; the tips of the Quill-Feathers of the Wings brown;
the Breaft and Belly of a light green; the Thighs and
lower part of the Belly, near the Vent, of a pale yellow,,
intermixt with green; the Tail was made up of twelve Feathers,
the five outermoft on each fide were three Inches long,
of a yellow and green Mixture, the two middlemoft were fix
Inches long, of a dulky Colour, ending in iharp Points; the
Legs are very ihort, but thick for the length; the fore Toes
are joined together as far as the firft Joint, as in the King-
fijher; both Legs and Feet black. This Bird was brought
from Bengali in the Year 1734, and is in the Pofleftion o f
Mr. Dandridge; I believe this to be a Cock Bird.
See the Hen Vol. the fecond Numb. 44.