The Red Linnet Cock and Hen.
Numb. L X X I I . L X X I I I .
IT is iomething leis than the Chaffinch, the Head is parti
coloured of cinereous and black, the Back of a dark
brown and reddiih mixture; the Breaft is white; the lower
Belly about the Vent yellowifh; the Region of the Crane
or Bottom of the Gullet is of a lovely red, the Edges of
the Feathers yellowiih; each Wing hath eighteen Quill-Fea-
thers, all black but the Edges', which in the exterior are
whitiih, in the interior are red; the foremoft Feathers of
the fecond Row are black, the Edges of the interior, or
thofe next the Rile of the Wing red, the leffer covert Feathers
about the Ridge or Bale of the Wing are red; the
Tail is ibmewhat forked, its two outermoft Feathers being
two Inches arid a quarter long, the middlemoft only two:
o f the middle two, the Borders or Edges are red, the
reft white; the. Tail coniifts of the uiual number of twelve
Feathers;, it delights to feed on Linfeed, whence Gefner,
in Imitation of the French (who call it Linote) impofed on
it the Name of Linaria; it feems not to be deicribed by the.
Ancients: It is kept in Cages for the Sweetneis of finging,
wherein it excels all other fmall Birds: It feeds upon Canary
Seed, Panic, Millet, Rape Seed, and Hemp Seed: It is
obferved to build in Black-Thorn, White-Thorn or Furze-
Buihes, and lays three or four Eggs. The Hen is paler
than the Cock, and has no red on the Breaft.