The Hamburgh Cock.
■ Numb. X X X I I .
THIS Bird is of a peculiar Breed, which is brought
from Hamburgh by our Merchants ; he is o£ a {lately
Carriage, lofing none of his height; his Bill was thick
at the Bafe, ending in a iharp Point; the Iridesof the Eyes
are of a lovely yellow, encompafled with a Circle of dark
Feathers, under which was a Tuft of black Feathers,
which covered his Ear; his rofe Comb reached but half way
on his Head, the hinder part of the Crown was inveiled
with dark brown Feathers, inclining to black, as was alib
the Throat below the Gills; his Neck was cloathed with
long hackle Feathers, .of a red and orange coloured Mixture,
the Points of ibme of them black; the Breail and Belly,
as far as the Thighs, of the fame Colour, with large
round Spots of black; the Thighs and lower Belly of a
velvet black (which has given ibme of the Ladies the occa-
fion of calling him velvet Breeches) ; the hind part of his
Neck and Back was of a darker red, his Wings fbme-
thing paler, the exterior Edges of the Feathers dark brown;
the Tail was. made up of red, black, and orange coloured
long Feathers elegantly reflected or arcuate ; his Legs and
Feet of a lead Colour; the bottoms or ioles of the Feet
yellowiih. This line Cock was fent me by my honoured
Friend Sir Robert Abdy, from his Seat at Albym in EJfex*