The greater Brambling.
Numb. L X IH .
IT is fomething bigger than the L a rk : Its length from
the point of the Bill to the end of the Tail is fix Inches,
breadth, when the Wings were extended, thirteen Inches;
its Bill is half an Inch long of a horn Colour ; the end o f
the Tongue is divided into Filaments; the top of the Head
duiky with yellowiih and white Spots; the Back is of a
duiky yellow, with dark Spots and Shades; the Throat,
Breaft and fcapular part of the Wing of a light Chefnut
Colour; the Belly and Thighs are white: the Quill-Fea-
thers of the Wings are black, their exterior Edges o f a
pale greeniih yellow; the Tips of the firft Row of Coverts
white, making a white Mark acrofs the W in g : It hath a
forked Tail two Inches and a half long, made up of twelve
dusky Feathers, their exterior Edges yellowiih; the Legs,
Feet and Claws are black, the back Claw the longeft, as in
Larks. This Bird I had of a very curious Gentleman.