The Smirna Kingfifloer.
Numb. X X V I I .
TH IS Bird was about three times as big as our King-
jijher-, its Bill long and thick at the Bafe, ending in
a {harp Point, of a red Colour ; the Irides of the Eyes
white, the top of the Head and Neck brown, as was alio
the lower part of the Belly and Thighs; a broad Stripe of
white crofles the Breaft, and ends under the fcapular of the
Wings; the Back, Wings and Tail are all over of a dark
green; the Legs and Feet of a beautiful red. This Bird
was ihot by Conful Sherrard in a River of Smirna, and
brought over by him preferred in Spirits of Wine, from
which I made a drawing exa£tly like the Bird.
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