The lejfer Pied Mountain Finch
Numb. L X X I .
T HIS Bird is of the bigneis of the Green-Finchy it hath
a thick fhort and ftrong Bill, of a deep yellow Colour;
the fore part of the Head is of a dark brown
almoft black, growing lighter backwards ; about and under
the Eye light Chefnut, the Back of a browniih aih Colour,
fpotted with black; under the Throat a yellowifh
white, with a Ring round its Neck of a Chefnut Colour;
the Breaft and Belly are white, mixed with yellow, incline
ing to a flame Colour; the fcapular Feathers are white, as
were alfo the firft and fecond Row of Coverts, all the reft
of the Quill-Feathers black, with their exterior Edges
white; the Tail confifts of twelve Feathers, the three out-
ermoft on each fide white, with a fmall daih of dark brown,
the reft of the middle Feathers brown, the Legs and Feet
black. They are found in the Northern Parts of Torkjhire.