The Amaduvads Cock and Hen.
IT is much about the bignefs of the common Wren; its
Bill is in ihape like that of the Goldfinch, of a red Colour;
the upper part of the Head and Back are of a dulky
Colour, in fome Birds lighter, in fbme darker; the Wings
and Breaft are dulky with a mixture of red and white Spots;
the Tail it felfis an Inch and a half long, the upper part
half way red, the lower black; its Legs and Feet are of
a dulky yellow.
The Hen was of a dulky Colour on the upper part of
the Head and Back, the Wings of the fame Colour with
fome Spots of white; the Breaft and Belly were of a pale
yellow* with a Spot of white under the Bill; the Tail and
Legs of the fame Colour as in the Cock. Thefe Birds
■vary very much in their Colours, fome lighter and fome inclining
to black: They moft commonly are kept in Pairs,
the Cock and Hen agreeing very well together in a Cage;
thefe Birds were drawn from a Pair Mr. OJdham had, which
were very tame. They are brought from the E afi Indies,
their Food is Canary Seed.
•k/hs, i Ani.(u/a( CJock, arid .TtsM. ■ ¿iba/zar.yiflhnCfit/: > 7ufy 22. jjjg.