The Hen Wheat-Ear.
Numb. L IV .
IT Is bigger than the Houfe Sparrow; the Bill is flender, ftreight,
black, and more than half an Inch long; the Colour o f its Head
and Back is cinereous with a Mixture of red; the Rump white, the
Belly is o f a light hair Colour, inclining to white ; the Quill-Feathers
and Covert Feathers are black, their exterior Edges are of a reddiih yellow,
and in fome Birds white. The Tail is two Inches and a quarter
long, made up of twelve black Feathers, their exterior Edges the fame
with the Quill-Feathers; the Legs and Feet black; its Stomach is not
very mufculous, out o f which when difledted was taken Beetles and
other Infefts. It commonly breeds in forfaken Coney Burrows.
In Sujjex the Boys, to catch thefe Birds, ufe this Art; they dig long
Turfs o f Earth, and lay them acrofs the Holes whereout they were digged,
and about the middle of them hang Snares made of Horfe-hair.
Theie Birds being naturally very timorous, if a Hawk happens to appear,
or but a Cloud pafs over and intercept the Sun-Beams, they haf-
tily run to hide themfelves in the Holes, under the Turfs, and fo are
caught by the Neck in Snares. Upon the Downs in Sujfex they are
taken in great numbers in Harveft-time or beginning of Autumn, where
for their Fatneis and delicate Reliih, they are highly prized. See the
Cocky Vol. the fir fi