The Bramhling.
Numb. L X IV .
IT is a fmall matter bigger than the Chaffinch; its Bill is thick, ftrong,
ftreight, from abroad Bafe diminiihing into a fharp Point, almoft like
a Cone or Funnel; in fome Birds wholly black, in others black at
Point, and yellow at Bottom. Its Tongue is like the Chaffinch's; the
upper Chap of'equal length with the lower; its iides ftrong and thinned
into an Edge, (the Bill o f the Female hath no part yellow). Its Legs
and Feet ate of a pale dusky fleih Colour; the outer Toe is joyned to
the middle below, as in other fmall Birds; from the Head o f the Cock
to the middle of the Back, the Colour is like that of a Starling, a ihi-
nirig black, the Edges of the Feathers being of a reddiih aih Colour,
the lower part of the Back and Rump whitiih; the Throat is of a
yellowifh red., or orange Colour, the Belly white; the Feathers behind
the Vent, reddiih. The interior Quill-Feathers o f the Wings are fed,
the inmoft o f all black, with red Edges beginning from the fourth,
feventh or eighth o f the fubfequent Feathers; they have a .white Spot
on the o f their Shafts, by the tips o f the feeond Row ; underneath
alfo their exterior Edges are whitiih; elfe the Quill-Feathers are
all black.:. The Plumage near the Bafe of the Wing underneath is of a
lovely yellow, above o f an orange Colour.
The Tail’ is made up o f twelve Feathers, four Inches and f- long, of
a black Colour, but the exterior Web of the outmoft Feathers on both
iides is white, and fometimes alfo the interior; the Tips and Edges of
the two middle Feathers are o f a reddiih aih Colour.