ôrtevm /ra, fiu& p a rte. <tM e cû7rnnanM Û<d&02/6 oré%a^té<m-. ¿¿¿eaoeûbr*su/wi ^27e/\ diiy. /• *735'
Numb. X L I I .
TH IS Pigeon weighed thirteen Ounces; was in length from the Bill
to the Tail end thirteen Inches, in breadth twenty fix.
Its Bill was (lender, fharp-pointed and indifferently long, about the
Noftrils foft and whitiih, by the afperfion o f a kind of furfuraceous Sub-
ftance, elfe dusky: The Tongue neither hard, nor cloven, butiharpand
foft; the Irides o f the Eyes red, the Legs and Feet red, the Claws black.
The Head was of a pale blew; the Neck as it was diverfely obje&ed
to the Light, did exhibit to the Beholder various and ihining Colours.
The Crop was reddiih, the reft of the Breaft and Belly aih coloured;
the Back beneath and a little above the Rump was white, (which is a Note
common to moft Wild Pigeons) about the Shoulders cinereous, elfe
black, yet with fome Mixture of cinereous. The number of plume
Feathers in each Wing was about twenty three or twenty four, o f thefe
the outmoft were dusky, of the reft as much as was expofed to fight
black, what was covered with incumbent Feathers cinereous. The covert
Feathers o f the ten firft Remiges were o f a dark cinereous; the reft
of the covert Feathers (almoft to the Body) dark, the tips and exterior IVebs,
were cinereous, the interior black, the covert Feathers of the under fide--
of the Wings purely w h i t e ; r % - ■
The Tail was made up of twelve Feathers, four Inches and as half-
long, the middlemen being fomewhat longer than the extremes; the
tips of all were black, the reft wholly cinereous.
It had a great Craw full of Grumil Seed. The blind Guts very ihort,
fcaTce exceeding a quarter of an Inch; it hath (as we faid-of Pigeons
in general) no Gall Bladder, and lays but two Eggs at a time; thole
Kinds vary much in Colour. There are found o f the mordinarily milk -