Numb. L X X V I I I .
IT S Bill was five Inches long, ftrongand ilreight, from
a thick Bafe gently leffening into a lharp Point, of a
yellowiih Colour inclining to green, the Edges ferate for
the better holding of flippery Fiihes; the Mouth gapes
wide, the Tongue is (harp and long, .but not hard; the
'top of the Head, Neck, Back and upper fide o f the Wings
are of a dulky alh Colour, moil of die fcapulajr Feathers
have white tips, excepting a long black on the fcapular part
of the Wings; The prime or Quill-Feathers of the Wings
are black, their extreme Edges white : The forefide of the
Neck, Breaft and upper part of the Belly are fprinkled
with black, die lower part of the Belly and Thighs are white,
with a Call of yellowiih red.
The Tail is feyen laches long, made up of jtwclve Feathers
of an aih Colour; the Legs are long and bare above
Knee, o f a fordid green; the Toes are long but joyned together
by a ihort Membrane, beeaufe it mull needs be con-
verfant about Waters. Thele Birds build on high Trees,
and for the moll part many together, under which the Owners
find a great many Filh, which they, let fall.