Lhe Poole-Snipe'.
Numb. L X X X V I I .
THE Bill is two Inches long, {lender, of a dark red at
the Bale, and black towards the Point; the Tongue is
iharp, {lender and undivided, the upper Mandible
longer arid fomething crooked at the very tip; the I rides
of the Eyes are yellow, the Noftrils oblong; the top of
the Head, hind part of the Neck and Back are of a duiky
brown with tranfverfe waved darkMarks inclining to black,
with light Edges; the fore part of the Neck a pale cinereous
brown,- with light waved Lines acrofs; the firft feven
Quill-Feathers, and three of the firft Row of Coverts incumbent
on them black with light Edges: the reft of the
Wing Feathers are brown, their Edges light: The Breaft
is fpotted with large Spots of black; the Belly and Thighs
are white, with a faint Shade of yellowiih brown;
The Tail was ihort, made up of twelve brown Feathers
marked with black and light Streaks acrofs; it was bare
above Knee, the Legs and Feet of a beautiful orange Colour,
the back Toe-{mail, having a very little Claw: It
breeds in Marihes, and if any one comes near its Neft, it
flies about, making a great Noife like the Lapwing.
This Bird differs from the Totamis of Aldrovandus, ift
in that it is much leis, fecondly that it hath a ihorter Bill
and Feet, thirdly in the duiky Colour of its Back, fourthly
in the red Colour of its Legs and Feet.