The Turkey Cock.
Numb. X X X V .:
IT S Bill is of a horn Colour; the Prides of the Eyes of
a blewiih white; the Head and Neck are altogether
bare of Feathers, covered with a carunculous fleihy Sub-
ftance, party coloured with white, red, blew and purple;
it hath no Creft or Comb like a Cock, but a certain red fleihy
Appendix, arifing above the upper Chap of the Bill, which
is lbmetimes extended to that length, that it not only reaches
all along the Declivity of the upper Chap, but hangs down
below the tip of the Bill, at leaft an Inch, ib that the Bill is
covered with it, that it cannot be feen but fideways; this
Appendix, when it walks or feeds, is contracted lb that it
falls ihort of the length of the Bill; the Feathers of this Bird
fomewhat refemble a Hawk’s, and have their ends white ; it
hath very long Legs; its Toes and Claws are like thole of
the Dunghill Cock.
Turkeys love hot Countries, yet they can bear cold ones
well enough, after they are grown up and ufed to them, but
their Chickens are very nice and tender, and not to be reared
without great Care and Attendance; their Flefh is very white
and delicate, yielding a plentiful and firm Nourifhment.
The Antipathy this Fowl hath againft a red Colour, lb
as to be much moved and provoked at the Sight thereof;
is very ftrange and admirable.
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