IT S Bill is flénder, ftreight and of a duiky red; from
the Bafe of the upper Mandible is a broad dirty white
Mark reaching over each Eye; its upper Side and Wings
are of a duiky Colour; the Breaft and Belly of a pale yel-
lowiih white; all thé exterior Edges of the Wing-Feathers
are of a pale yellow; its Legs and Feet of a reddiih yellow;
the Tail was made up of twelve duiky brown Feathers : It
frequents watery Places, among Willows and Sedges: I take
this Bird to be the Salicaria of Gefner, his Defcription being
almoft the fame with this. He alfo fays, it feeds upon
Flies, Spiders, and other Infe&s, which it finds among
W illm s; which that it may enjoy alone, it drives away all
other fmall Birds. I take the Poll Bird to be very much
like this.