The Twite.
Numb. L X X IV .
I T is in Colour like the Linnet, but lefs; it has a ihort
Bill, the Legs blackiih; the Cock has a curious red Spot
upon his Rump, which the Hen hath not; it is a merry
briik Bird, that is always a finging, therefore they hang
him among other Birds, to provoke them to fing; they do
not breed in England that I know of, but come here in
Winter, and go away again in the Spring, but what place
they come from, or whither they go, to us is not known :
The Bird-catchers take them as they do Litmets, & c . They
eat Rape and Canary Seed, but love the Canary beft: It is
a pretty familiar, gentle natur’d Bird, well worth keeping;
I was told by a Gentleman, curious in fuch Enquiries, that
the Twite is common in fome parts of France, and is called
there Petit Linotte, the lefler Linnet; and that its Eggs
are like the Eggs of that Bird, but lefs.