The fm all Tree Creeper.
Numb, X X V .
IT is a very fmall Bird, a little bigger than a golden
Wren; it hath a longflender iharp Bill, bending down-
wards like a Bow, the upper part of a dark Colour, the
nether white at the Bafe, and black at the T ip ; the Tongue
hot longer than the Bill, wherein it differs from the Wood-
peckers, yet hard and ftiff at.the Point, and fharp like a
Goad; the Irides of the Eyes of a dark hazel Colour.
The Throat, Breaftand Belly are white; the Head, Back
and Wings of a fulvous red, inclining to a fox Colour, intermixed
with white and black Specks; the Tail confifts of
ten Feathers only, %s<\otsx\\zWbodpeckersy and is very long for
the bignefs of the Bird, V iz. two Inches and a half, iharp
pointed, ftifF, of a duiky red, or rediih dun Colour.
The Feet are of a light brown, the Legs ihort; the Feet
have long Toes, all armed with very long, iharp, white
Claws, especially the back Toe, which it hath extraordinary
long, like a Lark.
It runs up the Bodies and Boughs of Trees, havino- its
Feet and Tail fitly difpoied for that purpoie.
It is frequent in England,\ and builds in the Hollows of
Trees, after the manner of Woodpeckers, and lays a great
number o f Eggs, fbmetimes not fewer than twenty.